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Since 1948, there has been a Hillel at University of Delaware. Each decade has brought its changes, but each year Jewish life has grown. Now Jewish students from all over the eastern seaboard comprise more than 10% of the student body.


Whether you graduated in 1930 or in 2000, we'd love to hear from you! We wouldn't be the strong, vibrant Jewish community on campus that we are, if we weren't standing on the shoulders of those who came before.

Check back for information on our alumni brunch soon!


Join our Alumni Directory

Wherever life has taken you since you graduated UD, we know Newark, Delaware will always hold a special place in your heart. 


Whether your love for UD shines when you come back to your favorite spot on Main St., meet a fellow alum in your travels, or speak to someone about to start their college experience at UD, Blue Hen pride runs deep. 


Through our new Jewish alumni directory, you can expand your professional and social networks. You can use the directory for career development or simply to share news about a new job, recent move, or significant life event. Why not take a few minutes to join and start connecting with fellow Jewish alumni at


We look forward to staying in touch, letting you know about alumni events in your area, and sharing updates about the exciting things happening at UD Hillel. If you're ever in town, stop by for a visit - we'd love to see you. We're looking forward to even bigger and better things in the next 70 years!


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Jason & Anya Glassner '11

Jason and Anya Glassner are two UD alumni who found a home, leadership opportunities, and love, at Hillel. They caught a glimpse of each other at Shabbat dinner and have been happily together ever since! They both appreciated the opportunity to be surrounded by those with similar values as them, and took advantage of their new Jewish environment. Now married, Anya and Jason both continue to maintain an active Jewish life and stay connected to their Hillel friends. They value the connection that Judaism gives them to others, and carry that as they are start their post - graduate lives!


Written by Sam Lampert, '18

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Rob France has found a connection to Judaism in everything that he has done throughout his post - graduate career. From doing Teach for America, to becoming Assistant director at Hillel, Rob’s passion for teaching others has benefited many. Now at the Shalom Hartman Institute, Rob uses this passion to help leaders around the country bring conversation and change to Jewish communities on college campuses.

Written by Sam Lampert, '18

Rob France '06

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Sara Beth Weller '99

Sara Beth Weller is an incredibly talented woman who has been passionately involved in Jewish life ever since she graduated high school. She contributed so much to UD Hillel as Student Life Vice President, and has moved on to work for the American Jewish Committee and Israel Outdoors. She values everything Hillel has given her and has loved watching the organization grow.

Written by Sam Lampert, '18

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© 2024 Hillel at UD

Kristol Center for Jewish Life

47 W. Delaware Ave.

Newark, DE 19711

(302) 453-0479

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